Maths is very useful in everyday life. Math can help us do many things that are important in our everyday lives. Here are some daily tasks for which math is important: Managing money $$$ Balancing the checkbook Shopping for the best price Preparing food Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel Understanding loans for cars, trucks, homes, schooling or other purposes Understanding sports (being a player and team statistics) Playing music Baking Home decorating Sewing Gardening and landscaping Examples of Math Connections to Daily life Managing Money Teen will learn skills in algebra class that will help them with money. One important skill they will learn is how to calculate interest and compound interest. Your teen can use this skill to manage their money now and when they grow up. This skill also will help them pick the best bank account. It will also help them decide which credit card is best to have. People who take out loans need to understand interest. It will al...